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The Antiquarian Collection


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The ‘Antiquarian Collection’ includes 10 ghostly insects:
  • Long-Tailed Leaf moth(Cociopteryx semiramis) 4.75"
  • Emperor Gum Moth (Opodiphthera eucalypti) 3.5"
  • Laced-wing moth(Lymantria arctornis) 2.5" wide
  • Faded Attacus moth(Attacus caesar) 3.5" wide
  • Bleached Attacus moth(Attacus dohertyi) 5" wide
  • Ghostly Silkmoth (Ceranchia apollina) 4.5" wide
  • Antique Rare Moon moth (Argema besanti) 4.5"
  • Spectral Leaf Insect (Phyllium giganteum) 3.25"x4.5"
  • Medium Silk moth (Bombyx mori) 2.5"
  • + BONUS Small Silk moth (Bombyx mori) 2"

The Antiquarian Collection is inspired by curiosity cabinets from days gone by: it hails from entomology cases preserved in dusty attics, moth wings faded with time to a ghostly whisper. Each specimen was once a bright jewel, brought to a Wunderkammer from far across the world. Yet the ages reduce even the most brilliant jewels to shadows, and each moth in this set is now a pale reflection of its living self. This pallor lends them an ethereal beauty, and their cream and rust colored wings shine brilliantly in any specimen case.

These paper moths are printed double-sided on heavy-weight shimmer paper, which gives them the appearance of mother-of-pearl. They are expertly lasercut with a precise level of detail (you can see the individual little antennae, just like on a real moth!) They are based on real specimens, and accurately depict their size and color, or in this case, lack-there-of. The Collection comes in a beautiful 5.5" x 8.5" booklet, perfect for safe keeping or as a lovely gift! Resin safe.